A brief introduction to the Wordcab v1 API.


Summarize business communications at scale with Wordcab's API.


To authenticate your request, either add Authorization: Bearer <apikey> to your header. If you don’t have an API key, you can head over to the Signup page to sign up for a Free Plan. Afterwards you’ll be redirected to your Dashboard. From there, head to your Account page, and click the API Key tab.

Postman Collection

Run in Postman

Webhook Portal

Wordcab partners with Svix to provide users with a best-in-class webhook experience. You can find a link to your Webhook Portal on your Account page. With the Portal, you'll be able to register your webhook endpoints and get notified when certain events (like a summary being finished) occur. For best security practices, please see this Svix guide on verifying incoming webhooks in your backend.

Base URL
